Guests, Parties & Rentals
Our Guest Policy
A guest to the West Arundel Swim Club is defined as a person residing outside of the physical boundary as described by the map below.
Birthday & Family Parties
The physical boundaries are defined as follows:
North of the intersection of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway and the Patuxent River
West from the Baltimore-Washington Parkway
Southwest from Route 198 and Whiskey Bottom Road
Southeast from the Howard County Line East from the Patuxent River
People living in the following communities are inside the boundary area and are NOT permitted to be guests of the club:
Maryland City
Brock Bridge Estates
Parkway Village
Pines of Laurel
Laurel Highlands
The Elms at Laurel Park
Ashley Apartments
Tall Oaks Apartments
All guests must be sponsored and accompanied by a club member and must follow all rules and regulations of the swim club. Any abuse of these guest privileges is a violation of the West Arundel Swim Club bylaws. The guest(s) will be removed immediately from the facility and the sponsoring member may be suspended by the pool manager for a period not to exceed 48 hours. All Guests who enter the Swim Club MUST pay Guest Fees or be listed on a Guest Pass, even if they do not swim ... No Exceptions!
Daily Guest Fees:
Daily - $10.00
(Children 2 and Under are Free)
Holiday Guest Fees:
July 4th: $20.00
Memorial & Labor Day: $10.00
No Guest Cards Accepted July 4th
Party Reservations
Hold your party at the Swim Club!
Please Schedule at least 72 hours in advance
Reserve the Pavilion or Arbor for a Party
Guest Fee for Non-Members -$10.00
Members: Free Admission with Pool Pass
Suzanne for Scheduling
Must Complete Party Form
Grill Rentals
Propane Grills are available at the Pool for a Two Hour Rental
$5.00 per two-hour Rental
Additional Information – Visit the Lifeguard Office